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Book an Affordable Diagnostic Imaging near Columbus, OH

Check out our self-pay prices. Whether you need a doctor-ordered MRI or just want to book your annual mammogram, Tripment Health can help.
  • Easy Online Booking
  • Same day Appointments
  • Report Results Online
  • 165+ Imaging Centers


4.7 rating

Scan Types

Find an MRI, CT Scan, ultrasound, or other medical imaging center near you.

  • MRI

    MRIs are non-invasive imaging scans that use magnets and radio waves to produce detailed images of your body.

  • CT Scan

    CT scans stack multi-slice X-ray images to create detailed 3D images of the inside of your body.

  • Ultrasound

    Ultrasounds visualize your body's organs, tissues, vessels, and structures using sound waves.

  • X-Ray

    X-ray scans are medical imaging tools that apply electromagnetic waves to create pictures of your internal structures.

  • Mammogram

    Mammograms use low-dose X-rays to detect breast diseases and abnormalities.

  • PET Scan

    PET scans use radioactive material, cameras, and computers to evaluate the health of your organs and tissues.

  • DEXA Scan

    DEXA is an enhanced form of X-ray technology used to measure bone density.

  • MR Angiogram (MRA)

    MR Angiography (MRA) employs a strong magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to assess blood vessels and assist in detecting abnormalities.

  • CT Angiogram (CTA)

    CT Angiography (CTA) involves injecting contrast material into your blood vessels and utilizing CT scanning to aid in the diagnosis and assessment of blood vessel diseases or related conditions, such as aneurysms or blockages.

  • Don’t know what imaging you need?

    Book a consultation with one of our providers to discuss the type of scan that's right for you.

    Get a Referral

How does it work?

  • Booking and Referral

    Choose the type of scan and a convenient location, then proceed with the payment to confirm the booking. Next, you will need to upload a referral or obtain it with the assistance of our specialists. After that, we’ll reserve the appointment for you and email to confirm.
  • Have Your Scan

    The skilled radiographers, sonographers, and patient care professionals at your chosen partner facility will address any questions and conduct your scan. Following the scan, the images will be processed and forwarded to a highly qualified radiologist for interpretation.
  • Get Fast Results Online

    We will email you when your results are ready. Access your Confidential Image Report by logging in to your account. There you can view, save and print your results.
Referral document

Need a Referral?

Diagnostic imaging can find fractures and broken bones, reveal infections and certain cancers before they spread, and help you live a longer, healthier life. Most diagnostic imaging services require a referral. Let us help you find one!
Get a Referral
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